DAO Levipartners: Empowering High-Risk Businesses with Payment Processing…

DAO Levipartners: Empowering High-Risk Businesses with Payment Processing Solutions

In today's rapidly evolving digital economy, businesses categorized as "high-risk" face unique challenges when it comes to payment processing. High-risk businesses often operate in industries that traditional financial institutions consider too volatile or unpredictable. These industries might include sectors like online gaming, adult entertainment, travel, e-commerce, cryptocurrency, and more. For these businesses, finding a reliable payment processing partner is not just a matter of...

13 Aug 2024 :: 59 views Category :: Starting your business Read more...

P2P Services as an Acquiring Option for High-Risk Businesses

P2P Services as an Acquiring Option for High-Risk Businesses

Introduction In today’s world, high-risk businesses such as online gambling, forex trading, cryptocurrency exchanges, and others face numerous obstacles when trying to integrate traditional payment systems. Banks and payment processors often refuse to work with such companies due to the high level of risk associated with fraud, chargebacks, and regulatory requirements. In this context, P2P (peer-to-peer) services become an attractive alternative for payment acquiring. What is P2P...

8 Aug 2024 :: 65 views Category :: Starting your business Read more...

Why Acquiring for High-Risk Businesses is Much More…

Why Acquiring for High-Risk Businesses is Much More Expensive

Acquiring is a service provided by banks and financial institutions that allows businesses to accept payments via bank cards. For many businesses, this is a critically important service, as most consumers prefer to pay for goods and services with a card. However, the cost of acquiring can vary significantly depending on the business category. One of the most expensive categories is high-risk business. In this article, we will examine why acquiring for high-risk businesses is much more...

5 Aug 2024 :: 50 views Category :: Starting your business Read more...

Why High-Risk Businesses Struggle to Obtain Merchant…

Why High-Risk Businesses Struggle to Obtain Merchant Services

In today's world of cashless payments, merchant services (or acquiring) play a crucial role in enabling businesses to accept payments from customers. However, not all enterprises can easily obtain this service. High-risk businesses, in particular, face significant challenges. In this article, we will explore why it is difficult for these businesses to secure merchant services and the factors that influence this process. What is a High-Risk Business? High-risk businesses are enterprises that,...

1 Aug 2024 :: 59 views Category :: Starting your business Read more...

Payment Processing: What It Is

Payment Processing: What It Is

How a Payment Processor Works Payment processing is a system that enables transactions between buyers and sellers in electronic payments. Payment processors play a key role in this process, ensuring the security and speed of operations. They accept payment data, verify it, process it, and transfer money from the buyer to the seller. The work of a payment processor involves several stages. First, when a customer enters their card details on the seller’s website, the payment processor...

27 July 2024 :: 66 views Category :: Our Business Read more...